Corruption In George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'

Improved Essays
Regina Emeli
Honors English 9
Motinola Agunbiade
1 September 2015
Animal Farm
Does the overthrow of a corrupt government or leader solve the issues embedded within that society? In Animal Farm, this was believed so. “Is it not crystal clear, comrades that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings? Only get rid of man, and the produce of our labor would be our own” (Orwell 9). This belief allowed for the leaders of Animal Farm to abuse their power while the other farm animals believed everything was fine because Mr. Jones was gone. This is key to the corruption of Animal Farm’s society. In Animal Farm, George Orwell uses language and rhetoric to reveal how the corruption of Animal Farm’s society is caused by
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An example of this is when several animals are killed on the farm “They were all slain on the spot…there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet…When it was all over, the remaining animals, except for the pigs and the dogs, crept away in a body. They were shaken and miserable. They did not know which was more shocking-the treachery of the animals...or the cruel retribution they had just witnessed…‘I do not understand it. I would not have believed that such things could happen on our farm. It must be due to some fault in ourselves…” (Orwell 84-85). The words “slain”, “corpses”, “miserable”, and “cruel” show how brutal the killings of the animals witnessed were. Even after the pigs and dogs have committed such atrocious acts, Boxer believes it happened because of something wrong with him and his fellow animals. This shows he views the leaders as higher than his fellow animals because he believes the killings were somehow justified. This also shows that the leaders show no regard for the animals lives because of how easily they kill so many of them. Both the animals’ and the leaders are being very hypocritical by doing this because the seventh commandment of Animal Farm states “7. All animals are equal” (Orwell …show more content…
This can be shown by how the animals show pride even though they remember many hardships. “Benjamin professed to remember every detail of his long life and to know that things never had been, nor ever could be much better or much worse-hunger, hardship, and disappointment being, so he said, the unalterable law of life...More, they never lost, even for an instant, their sense of honor and privilege in being members of Animal Farm…And when they heard the gun booming and saw the green flag fluttering at the masthead, their hearts swelled with imperishable pride ( Orwell 130-131).” Orwell writes this to show why the animals kept quiet about many wrongdoings that happened on the farm. The use of the word “imperishable” shows the reader how deeply rooted the animals are in their pride; the word “unalterable” shows that the animals knew their lives were, and would always be hard. The word “privilege” shows that the animals thought of being members Animal Farm as an honor. To the animals, anything was better than being under the tyranny of Mr.

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