Ree’s emotional state is predominately negative which is displayed in the narrator’s diction. She lives through hardship and has to set aside her dreams to act as a parent for her brothers. She lives a difficult life because of her mother’s mental illness and father’s …show more content…
The diction displays Ree’s emotional state to the reader. When Ree goes to visit little Arthur’s place there is a description of his house and surroundings: “On the steepest side of the house”, “pilings had broken away”, “above a hellish plummet” and “beguiling bad idea”. The narrator’s diction is filled with negative adjectives when describing this house which is connected to Ree’s feelings to this place and the person living there because of the events that occurred last time she was there. Another description of the setting outside of Thump Milton’s house while she waits for him: “sleet crackled down”, “laid a cold sheen” and “The afternoon sky dimmed”. As she is waiting for Thump outside in the cold and dim garden she feels unpleasant which is expressed through diction and descriptions. These emotionally negative scenes bring out the narrator’s negative diction more than ordinarily to display Ree’s strong