Conformity In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

Brilliant Essays
The need to fit into society is a common human desire that confronts individuals of all ages. Human beings seek to relate with their peers and as a result tend to align their thoughts and actions towards this mission. This phenomenon is prevalent in all human groups such as cultures, religious affiliations, educational centers and even in the basis unit of society, the family. The attitudes, values and behaviors are indicated as group-think where individuals within the group concerned tend to align their thoughts and actions to match those of other members of the group. This need stems from the fact that most human beings endeavor to gain acceptance within their groups. As a result, individuals may be forced to compromise
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However, a high level of conformity has the potential to lead to self-esteem issues and in serious cases, …show more content…
As described above, the protestants that chose to disregard the practices of the Roman Catholic Church such as approaching God through the priest, as they deemed them inappropriate,but instead chose to embrace the teachings of Saint Paul and had their theology based on John Calvin. Salem, where the story is based , was a Puritan theocracy in 1692.
The entire storyline is based on conformity. Upon the rumor that Pariss’sdaughter,Betty, has fallen ill as a result of withcraft, the town goes into a frenzy of finger-pointing involvingaccusations of different members of the community,of having participated in the practice. Individuals are forced to conform to false accusations in the bid to retain their social harmony and also conform to societal expectations. In addition, one an indicate that the town members practiced McCarthyism as their accusations of one another we unfounded as they did not have actual evidence to support their

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