If you were given a choice: your integrity or your life, which would you chose? In the play, The Crucible, the author, Arthur Miller, reveals that most people chose their life over their integrity. The Crucible illustrates that this decision leads greater chaos and distrust through the hysteria that occurred in Salem in 1692. In this time people start to lie and accuse their neighbor of witchcraft to save themselves from the punishment, while their neighbors either hang for their false accusations or they too lie and put their neighbor in the same situation. The mindset for most was to save yourself by lying and accusing others. Miller uses Parris and Elizabeth Proctor to display this common mindset. John Proctor, a farmer who was known for his presence, and unique integrity, and a few others are different from the rest and they chose to die with their integrity and ethics rather than lying and betraying their neighbor. In the play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller portrays the power of integrity over the power of selfishness and wanting to saving oneself through the characters choices in the midst of the hysteria.
Miller uses John Proctor to illustrate the power of one 's integrity over the need to save yourself in The Crucible. …show more content…
Miller indicates how hard it is to chose your ethics over saving yourself through Proctor, but he also shows the effect of this on the people who witness you doing this. He displays how easy it is to chose to save yourself but he discribes the negative effect of this on the people around you. The attitude seen in Proctor is used to portray how powerful one person choosing to die for integrity is over so many who chose to save themselves. Proctors sacrifice is used by Miller to reveal how truly powerful integrity can be. Powerful enough to end even the greatest