Compare And Contrast Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points 1918

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Comparing Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points, 1918" (document 1) to Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms, 1941" (document 2), I think Wilson's ideas influenced Roosevelt through giving Roosevelt a chance to prove his political skills and succeed where his predecessor had failed. After seeing how Wilson fought his battles, Roosevelt carefully designed and constructed his plan although he was familiar with the dividing failure. He came up with an idea of having a mutual respect between one another to make a new organization effective. He believed disputes had to be settled by peaceful means, not by war. Together, both came up with the Joint Declaration. Through declaration, Roosevelt followed Wilson’s points which is all people had the right …show more content…
The effects can be identified in American culture, economy, politics, and demography. When Porfirio Diaz, Mexican leader, and politician came to power in Mexico in 1876, he brought very specific ideas to make the underdeveloped nation into the modern era. First, he started his plans through inviting foreign investment in petroleum, mining, and mineral extraction which access to infrastructural development. Second, he worked on securing rural lands and communal lands. Then, he stabilized his power and implemented different other policies. By 1910, some changes were noticed being applied. Throughout this change, many difficulties occurred which led to many death and destruction across Mexico. Because of this, many Mexicans chose to come to the north to escape the violence and poverty in their nation. More than 100 thousand refugees entered the United States with the cultural, social, and economic values of their own nation. They brought up their cultures, some of them still used today. In addition, some migrate to the border states where they worked in the mines and railroads. While some of them moved to larger cities of the Midwest. At last, the Mexican Revolution had a significant impact on the economic and political development of the United

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