Compare And Contrast Marcus Garvey And W. E. B. Dubois

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The most two influential black nationalist I chose two write about in this research paper emphasis the importance to embrace black race and culture to support economic and self- determination for the black community. Both Marcus Garvey and W.E.B DuBois although opposed each other ideology of improving black social progress had a similar goal to encourage African worldwide to unite for economic, social, and political progress. W.E.B DuBois was an editor, novelist, civil rights leader and socialist. He was a black intellectual who enforced the importance of education among the black community. He had an interest in social science, not only did he concentrated on race relations but he conducted observations and research on the conditions of …show more content…
Both leaders opposed each other’s political style, black people all over the world were disunited. W.E.B Du Bois led a silent march in regards to the racial riots in St. Louis that occurred in July, 1917. The violence and tension targeted among the African American communities leaving hundreds of Africans dead and thousands of black citizens fearing for their life leaving the city. Marcus Garvey believed it was time to fight back and for all Africans to unite globally. He called other establish leaders like Du Bois weak and self-serving. Garvey expressed to supporters, black people had to unite and their roots came from something greater, it was time for a revolution. He held his UNIA meeting at big cities and small towns and his association businesses employed thousands of people in Harlem. W.E.B Du Bois before did supported Garvey ideas until he became suspicious of his motives. He called Marcus Garvey the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race, especially because he met with the white American power Ku Klux Klan movement because he believed they were the face of the American government. He met with the Ku Klux Klan to discuss their similar ideas of separatism, and support each other ideas of white America for white people and Black Africa for black people. W.E.B Du Bois concentrated on integration of both white and black communities and depended on the leadership and aid of white people although he refused to accept white supremacy. Higher education was his strategic motive for blacks to be accepted as American citizens. Marcus Garvey movement fell apart among the problems and dispute that was occurring among the union itself. He started to lose his authority figure when his UNIA businesses failed, there wasn’t enough funds for cargo ships to Africa and started to use money to finance other needs of the

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