Both, Marcus Garvey and W.E.B Du Bois men advocated for Pan-Africanism, were activists for the rights of African-Americans, and believed that “the genuine issue in the world [was] white domination”, W.E.B Du Bois’s philosophy of Pan-Africanism differed from Marcus Garvey’s to a great extent. To elaborate, W.E.B Du Bois believed that Pan-Africanism “must become a part …show more content…
Thus, Du Bois only accepted some of Garvey’s ideas on black pride. Later he argued that “Garvey’s Black Star Line idea was corrupt and that it was suspicious”, and this claim was confirmed in 1922 when “Garvey was arrested on mail fraud charges for selling stock in a ship that had not yet been purchased for the Black Star Line”. Garvey’s intentions were to create a successful, black-owned business, however he was harming the black population by harming his image since many blacks looked up to him. Du Bois also believed that “the privilege of being white restrains the dreams”, however, Garvey’s action of “forming an alliance with the Ku Klux Klan” said otherwise. Since Garvey created an alliance with white supremacists and allowed them to have a role in preventing Negroes from prospering properly, it made him look like he was siding with the white race and it only looked as if he was going against his own ideologies about how the white individuals of America slowed the prosperity of African-Americans. Du Bois believed that Garvey was a misleading enemy to the Negro race, and by becoming an ally to the very force that did not want to treat blacks equally, the Ku Klux Klan, Garvey’s actions …show more content…
Both of the men’s ideas were used to promote Black Nationalism and encourage the black community to be politically successful. The idea of pro-communism restricts the private responsibility of trades and private profit and the central government controls trades and gain, as pro-capitalism permits private trades and wealth without a central government regulating any of the buying and selling trends. In an “Address by W. E. B. Du Bois delivered at All African Peoples' Conference in Accra, Ghana on December 9, 1958”, Du Bois justified why he did not promote capitalism. He states that “private capitalism is doomed”, and that “Africa is whirled by the bitter struggle of dying private Capitalism into the least great battle-ground of its death throes, you are being tempted to adopt at least a passing private capitalism as a step to some partial socialism. This would be a great mistake.” Du Bois believed that promoting capitalism would damage Black Nationalism in its entirety since its intentions are for blacks to come in unity with one another, however, Garvey’s idea of pro-capitalism lost out because it abandoned the key concept of unifying African-Americans. In other words, Garvey’s ideology promoted separatism instead of