Compare And Contrast Frederick Douglass And Phillis Wheatley

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Phillis Wheatley and Frederick Douglass are both well-known African American writers who were for the abolitionist movement. The two writers appeal to their audience and attack slavery by utilizing their knowledge and later found freedom. Wheatley’s works are subdued but also impactful whereas Douglass uses his cogent words to broadcast his points. The writings of Wheatley and Douglass differ in multiple ways; the stand point of the writers’ social views are distinctive differences. Phillis Wheatley is a writer who uses her knowledge and religion to attack slavery. Also, she is more of an unassertive writer because she is aware of her position as a slave in society. Due to being aware of her place, Wheatley was cautious about how and what she wrote in her works when responding to the topic of slavery. For instance, “Some view our sable race with scornful eye” (Wheatley). This quote ties in the inequality of races; Wheatley is subtly making it known that not all races take a liking to African Americans. Phillis Wheatley uses her knowledge of literature …show more content…
He utilizes his aggressive tone and style to convey his message of his works to the audience. As a demonstration, “I did not, when a slave, understand the deep meaning of those rude and apparently incoherent songs. Ii was myself within the circle; so that I neither saw nor heard as those without might see and hear” (Frederick Douglass). Douglass explains that many northerners misinterpret the songs sung by slaves as African Americans singing about their joy, however, they are singing about the complete opposite emotion. He explains the songs sung by slaves are difficult to understand unless you are a slave. Also, that it took Douglass to gain his freedom to actually comprehend the meaning behind the songs due to the fact that he is not going through the same

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