The monsters and Grendel’s’ hideous appearance terrorize the people around them, making them outcasts in society. Grendel gets rejected and even hurt by humans the same way the monster does. At one point Grendel claims, “I sank to my knees, crying, “Friend! Friend! They hacked at me, yipping like dogs. I held up the body for protection” (52), Grendel was misunderstood. Although he did not mean to harm anyone his appearance gave people the wrong impression. The Monster also experiences this feeling of rejection as he cried out” I am an outcast in the world forever” (96). He being rejected and hurt allows the reader to understand what an outcast he really is. Their rejection and isolation from people connect their characters as outcasts in which they cannot find a
The monsters and Grendel’s’ hideous appearance terrorize the people around them, making them outcasts in society. Grendel gets rejected and even hurt by humans the same way the monster does. At one point Grendel claims, “I sank to my knees, crying, “Friend! Friend! They hacked at me, yipping like dogs. I held up the body for protection” (52), Grendel was misunderstood. Although he did not mean to harm anyone his appearance gave people the wrong impression. The Monster also experiences this feeling of rejection as he cried out” I am an outcast in the world forever” (96). He being rejected and hurt allows the reader to understand what an outcast he really is. Their rejection and isolation from people connect their characters as outcasts in which they cannot find a