One nation’s way of using the commodity for rope being that of China and Europe. Europe in particular unable to make the necessary amount of the commodity need for their usage they sought out the Russia hemp rope by ways of the hanseatic league, German elite merchants from the Baltic sea bringing about an intricate system of mercantilism with the help of the Mughal invasion and take over with helps to further advance the trade route and outpost, with their allowance of freedom in exchange for payment of taxes. With the establishment of the English Muscovy company, which bought hemp from Russia and made better rope than sold it back to Russia, all this creating strong ties between nations. with that was able to greatly impact the age of exploration for both nations. China during the Ming dynasty in which they considered the “golden age” sent out ships to bring some of the world to the motherland of China, bringing back gifts to the emperor: ranging from animals and poetry, cloth etc. After the rise of a
One nation’s way of using the commodity for rope being that of China and Europe. Europe in particular unable to make the necessary amount of the commodity need for their usage they sought out the Russia hemp rope by ways of the hanseatic league, German elite merchants from the Baltic sea bringing about an intricate system of mercantilism with the help of the Mughal invasion and take over with helps to further advance the trade route and outpost, with their allowance of freedom in exchange for payment of taxes. With the establishment of the English Muscovy company, which bought hemp from Russia and made better rope than sold it back to Russia, all this creating strong ties between nations. with that was able to greatly impact the age of exploration for both nations. China during the Ming dynasty in which they considered the “golden age” sent out ships to bring some of the world to the motherland of China, bringing back gifts to the emperor: ranging from animals and poetry, cloth etc. After the rise of a