Dementia develops when parts of the brain associated with the cognitive functions are affected by any of various vascular, neurological, infectious, or metabolic diseases. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and it is estimated that as many as 50% to 75% of individuals who suffer from dementia have AD [5]. Vascular dementia has until recently been considered responsible for most remaining cases of dementia, occurring either alone or in association with AD…
Understanding Dementia In this booklet I will be giving a description on six different types of dementia that affect people in the UK and their most common signs and symptoms. I will then outline the possible effects of dementia on an individual’s health and their quality of life. And finally give an assessment of the possible effects of different types of dementia on individuals and their families.…
P1: Describe types of dementia and common signs and symptoms Dementia is what’s known as an “irreversible brain disorder affecting different parts of the brain, causing an effect on a range of functions” Bartle (2007). Every from of dementia is a progressive condition, this means that the brain will become damaged more over time, this therefore means a person’s ability to remember, communicate and understand what goes on around them may will decline. When researches such as scientists look at dementia they find that the progression of dementia will alter between different individuals as they may experience different stages of dementia. When identifying and diagnosing dementia in people often in later adulthood they will look at what stage…
Often times dementia is thought to be an interchangeable term for Alzheimer’s disease. However, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are two similar yet different terminologies that should not be used in exchange for the other. Dementia is a broad term that is frequently used to describe people with underlying brain disorders who experience memory, communication and cognitive deficits. Neurodegenerative disease is usually the underlying factor that causes dementia. People who have dementia are affected differently depending on what part of the brain is affected or symptoms worsens over time.…
The term dementia is an umbrella term which refers to a loss of cognitive functioning. This may include deficits in processes such as memory, reasoning, language, executive functioning and thinking, all leading to a reduced ability to participate in activities of daily living ( Forms of dementia include: vascular dementia (dementia caused by cerebral vascular injury, often stroke), dementia with Lewy bodies (caused by abnormal deposits of proteins in the brain), Alzheimer’s dementia (the most well-known and common form of dementia), frontotemporal lobar degeneration (including Pick’s disease and primary progressive aphasia), dementia associated with Huntington’s disease, and finally, dementia associated with Parkinson disease.…
One of the most common forms of dementia is known as Alzheimer's disease. Patients who are suffering from the disease can suffer from symptoms which include impaired reasoning, memory loss, changes in personality, and depression. In this instance, memory loss not only relates to past experiences, but it also refers to one's ability to communicate with others by understanding a language. The onset stages for Alzheimer's differ for many people, but the intensity of the symptoms increase as age increases.…
Homecare: Alzheimer's Care and Dementia Care Dementia is a progressive cognitive impairment. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in seniors (75 percent of cases), but it is not the only kind. Other forms of dementia include vascular dementia, which often follows a stroke; frontotemporal lobar degeneration and corticobasal degeneration, in which areas of the brain start to shrink; and Parkinson's disease dementia. While the causation and prognosis of each dementia type vary, one thing is certain: if your senior loved one has any form of dementia, they are going to require care and support. While caring for a person with dementia is often a true labor of love for family and friends, it also quickly becomes overwhelming.…
In United States of America, having 5.4 million people affected from Alzheimer’s disease and some patients have been found under the age of 65 year. AD is the fifth leading cause of death having higher prevalence ratio in women than men mostly affecting those aged 65 years (Heron M, et al., 2006).Total estimated health care expanses were $172 billion from which $123 billion were spent on Medicare and Medicaid in the year of…
Dementia is a term used to explain the decline or breakdown in multiple areas of human brain functions including but not limited to thinking, perception, communication, memory, languages, reasoning, and the ability to operate as a human being. Dementia can affect people of any and all ages anywhere in the world. An important fact about dementia is that it is an organic brain syndrome and not a disease, the origin of the word dementia is from a Latin word “demeans” meaning insane or being out of one’s mind. Dementia includes damage of nerve cells in the brain and the general breakdown of vital human functions; depending on how this damage is caused, dementia may affect people differently.…
Introduction: Postmenopausal women have a greater risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) in later life [1]. Estrogen is nephroprotective in premenopausal women; however, it has been suggested that the loss of estrogen predisposes women to reduced kidney function [2]. As a consequence, there is an increased risk of incident mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, which has been demonstrated by several studies [3-5]. The risk of incident cognitive impairment and dementia are augmented by comorbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity [6-8]. There have been studies that have examined how hormone therapy (HT) effects kidney function, but the results vary [9-15].…
Much improvements in healthcare have contributed to people living longer and healthier lives so the proportion of adults reaching old age has been increasing worldwide. A clearly negative effect of aging has resulted in an increase in the number of people with dementia. World Health Organization (WHO) estimated a total number of people with dementia worldwide in 2010 was 35.6 million and projected to nearly double every 20 years, and 115.4 million in 20501 (WHO). Dementia commonly symptoms with memory loss at the initial stage and later often followed by the loss of other cognitive functions such as language and perception (Walker, Salek, Bayer, Walker, & Bayer, 1998).…
Dementia is a debilitating condition affecting the mind of affected persons so that their cognitive skills and memory are impaired to the extent that it affects their ability to perform their activities of daily living. There are differing forms of dementia such as vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Currently Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death among individuals in the United States. Alzheimer’s disease is currently felt to account for sixty to eighty percent of dementia cases within the United States. (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015)…
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), was discovered as senile form of dementia in early 1907 by Alois Alzheimer in 1907. Since then the disease has been researched and studied to generate a knowledge base of symptoms, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and management of the disease. AD is differentiated from senile dementia due to the neurodegenerative process which involves deposits of protein known as amyloid in neurons and neurofibrillary tangles which form plaques. This formation of plaques leads to neuron death and the hardening of tissue leads to progressive and terminal neurological disease state. There has been no cure to Alzheimer’s disease to the complexity of disease and the lack of understanding of amyloid protein and its process.…
Dementia is defined as the acquired decline in the memory and thinking ability due to the brain disease that results in significant impairment of personal, social and occupational function(Understanding Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias, 2011). Alzheimer’s is one of the most common type of dementia which include 50 to 75 percentage of all cases. The disease was first discovered by Dr Alois Alzheimer in 1907 with the patient in her middle aged. He found two major abnormalities in her brain which defines the disease – Senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the cortex of brain. In Australia, there are more than 342,800 people suffering from dementia and around 1.2 million people are involved in care of dementia.…
The term dementia is commonly used to describe a broad spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders associate with progressive cognitive decline (12). The common symptoms of dementia are “memory loss, mood change, impaired reasoning”, which eventually lead to impairment in regular daily activities (12).…