First, Southern states secede from the Union because of slavery. “The Compromise of 1850 introduced by Henry Clay was declared to settle the slavery question arising from new western lands acquired after the Mexican War”(Doc 1).This shows major …show more content…
“They Started many tobacco plantation and brought in black slaves from Africa to provide most of the labor.” It also states “The North developed an intricate railroad system and shipping industry to transport the manufactured goods” (Doc 3).The North and South are different from living,views and needs this leads to sectionalism. The south only depended on slaves to do the labor working growing tobacco and working in the cotton fields but the North depended on factories. North and South have different economical and social differences. The North only depend on agriculture because it give the more of a population but, the South depend on agriculture to get more slaves.
The South seceded the Union because of arguement with the national government power.“Many Southerners favored secession as part of the idea that the states have rights and powers which the federal government cannot legally deny” (Doc 5).The North and South had disagreements between slavery and states rights which leads to political issues.The north and South had political issues because slavery was over because of Abraham Lincoln and they wanted to