Civil Rights Rhetorical Analysis

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Civil Rights Rhetorical Analysis Essay The Civil Rights Movement was a detrimental period to the history and the outcome of the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. gave many speeches in attempt to gain African American freedom, how it should’ve been since the beginning he believes, but his “I Have a Dream” speech was the most impactful; through his repetition and alliteration of phrases, through delivering a message to his people, and through exposing the government’s wrongdoings he successfully achieves his purpose of making known the mistakes that were being made, comforting his people, and that the issue needed to be fixed now. Throughout his speech, Martin Luther King Jr. utilizes repetition to further his purpose. He first begins …show more content…
He starts out by recounting the Emancipation Proclamation establishment and how it was meant to set the slaves free; yet, he continues on to explicitly state that they are still not free and are even bound to segregation and discrimination still. He exposes the fact that when the founders came together to write the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, through which white and black men were guaranteed their unalienable rights, which he puts in quotes because it does not hold any truth at the time. King exposes American’s greedy and apathetic nature by stating that this is far from the time to be sitting in the luxury of their homes in cooled air and sitting back letting things happen gradually, not wanting to get involved. He makes the claim that it would be fatal for America to shrug off the urgency of the civil rights of African Americans. He counters the exposure with a very confident statement: “There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.” Through this, King makes it evident that neither he nor his people will give up the movement until the day comes; that they will fight no matter what. He makes it flagrant that this is something important to a significant percentage of the nation’s population. This helps further his purpose of implicating to America that there is an issue at hand and it needs to be changed

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