In the beginning he mentions that the subject of this book has been in his mind for a long time. This book is meant to explain the ancient manuscripts of the New Testament and the differences as well as the changes it went through. He then discusses his childhood and his experiences with religion. Ehrman discusses how the Bible was not focused on as much as the church was in his childhood. It was seen as an important religious book. As a “born again Christian,” he felt that those who only attended church were not real Christians. During his biblical studies, he mentions that unlike his peers, he did not like the fact that there wasn’t an actual copy of the Bible. Instead there are only copies of what people interpreted from God’s …show more content…
pg. 15).
Chapter 1
Unlike other religions, Judaism was a religion that sacredly held tradition, customs, and laws by writing them in sacred books and writings. Christianity is also considered to be a “religion of the book.”
Many Jews and Christians were illiterate, but that didn’t mean that the books did not affect them. The letters Paul and his later followers wrote to the leaders of Christian communities are what make up most of the New Testament. These letters were important for early Christian communities since the letters served as a guide in practicing their faith.
The New Testament includes the life of Jesus as well as the Acts of his Apostles. Later on, Christian authors began to write their own interpretations of the Bible.
A canon began to form and people began to refer to New Testament writings which is made up of Paul who referred to the Jewish Bible. Soon Christians accepted the New Testament to be equal to the Jewish Bible. Ehrman mentions that this was accepted because Jesus’s followers took Jesus’s interpretations to be equal to the Jewish Bible …show more content…
However, there are two versions of the same text, but they both Jesus in differently manner in each version. In Matthew and Luke, Jesus is described as the compassionate healer, and do not describe him as angry. Ehrman argues that Mark 1:41 had originally stated that Jesus got angry when the outcasted leper had asked him to heal him. Ehrman also mentions that in another part of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus gets angry when it came to the matter of healing (133-138). This difference in text leaves the reader wondering what caused Jesus to be angry. Was it outcasted leper that angered him or the fact there are harm full diseases in the world? The two text also give two different interpretations of Jesus’ portrayal. While Matthew and Luke portray Jesus as a kind and gentle soul, Mark portrays Jesus as a powerful