Chipmunks Research Paper

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Could chipmunks and squirrels be the same animal? Well alvin and the chipmunks were great dancers and singers do you think these hamsters do? Well chipmunks might not dance but they do communicate by making noises. Chipmunks are small mammals, that live all around the world, with a diet that is important for Earth, and intriguing lifestyle. They are cute small animals that can do much, just like squirrels. But their are some interesting facts about them that you probably didn’t know about them.
The small species weight is about 1.1-1.8 ounces. They’re about 7.2-8.5 inches in length. The large species weight is 4.4 ounces, they’re 11 inches. Chipmunks have small bodies, they have glossy eyes, their color of fur is red or greyish-brown, they also have stripes on their back, they have a fluffy, or bushy tail. They have cheek pouches that can enlarge up to 3 times larger than their heads, because they use their cheeks to transfer food to a different place. They
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So when a chipmunk is in danger they would normally go hide in it’s burrow or beneath a log, a convenient rock pile or at the base of a tree and wait and hope to be unnoticed by the predator . Chipmunks will choosing areas with dense undergrowth, logs and rock piles so he can hide from predators. Especially when the chipmunk is alone with no one to alert it about the predators, the chipmunk can race up a tree to get away from animals who can't climb it. Sense the diminutive chipmunk looks a bit like the leaves and branches of the trees and ground where it lives is an effective way for him to stay off the menu mostly during the autumn nut gathering season when he may be more exposed than usual. With brown and black lines on it’s back, with lighter tan markings plus two more dark stripes around his eyes, the chipmunk blends easily with dead leaves and soil on the ground where he spends most of his time each

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