The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, tells the story about a tangle of lies, misunderstandings, and deaths in the town of Salem during the time of witch trials. In the story, Abigail Williams along with a group of girls who follow her, between they Mary Warren, are responsible for falsely accusing the vast majority of people in the town of alleged relationships with the Devil, an act that the highest authorities believe. In this occasion, Miller treats topics such as integrity, revenge, guilt, and intolerance among others, issues that are related to the context of paranoia because of communism in which the play was written and which in fact can still be seen today. In the play, Mary Warren is one of the girls who follow the fraud of Abigail to end up being an example of how lack of character causes the death of the virtuous and the victory of the liar.
Mary Warren “is seventeen, a subservient, naive lonely girl” (Miller 1267).…