Sexism In Society

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Although society has progressed throughout time, sexism is still relevant. Surprisingly enough, sexism is many times considered a “societal norm” and not uncommon in the work place. Due to female oppression in history, today’s fight against sexism is a fight for equality. Sexism is absolutely ridiculous, and a horrifying reality. However, due to the incorrect idea of females being the weaker sex, many men have a concept of reliant and submissive women as the ideal societal female. With the support of famous celebrities, politicians, and influential figures, sexism will decrease tremendously in the upcoming century, and the thought of a sexist society will be preposterous. One of the most influential females currently in today’s society is …show more content…
Born in a time when females were expected to wear solely skirts and dresses, Coco Chanel put models in pants and suits. This brought about a comfort in wearing men’s apparel to women’s fashion. Coco brought about equality through fashion, and changed the outlook on current fashion. She helped “liberate women through fashions that have stood the stand of time” (Bazaar para. 3). Due to her bold decision on defying the gender restraints, female fashion has been continuously reformed since. Coco Chanel brought about feminism through fashion which will affect the future; however, a teenage in current society brought about equality that will change future generations through …show more content…
According to Lauren Holter, author of “7 Noteworthy American female Politicians Every Feminist Should Know”:
She was instrumental in legislation that cleared backlogs of untested rape kits, secured funding for programs for Afghan women and girls, provides annual mammograms for women on Medicare, and guarantees medical care, counseling, and legal assistance for sexual assault victims on college campuses. (Holter para.7)
Carolyn Maloney is comparable to a super hero of female rights. Not only does she support general female rights, but she also advocates for female assault victims. Carolyn is an influential congresswoman who should be known to

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