How Did Ww1 Affect Canada

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Britain, France and the American’s government held the most power and made the important decisions that impacted other countries such as Canada in World War I. In this era, power was controlled by those who had superior navies and armies. Canada was only seen as a mere colony of Britain with a small navy, but throughout these battles Canada progressed and strengthened its position as a country. World War I was the first time many countries were involved in a war. Canada’s government maintained a strong relation with Britain with its contribution of troops. The conflict between the Allies and the Central powers was a bloody battle. The War in Korea was Canada’s first time initiating a new strategy which was peacekeeping. Unlike previous battles, …show more content…
However, the cost was unnecessary labor from its civilians and sending unqualified young men into battle overseas against experienced naval soldiers. Britain depended on Canada’s contribution which was vital for Allied victory (Sarty). Canada wanted to prove to Britain that they were capable of such a huge responsibility. Also, Canada wanted to be more than just a colony by showing they had the man power in troops and quickly building their fleet. It was a turning point for the Canada because they became the third largest navy in the world which proved they were more than just a small colony. The Canadian government employed 126,000 civilians in which they built over 3,000 ships used for different purposes (Douglas, Dubreuil). By building their fleet quickly, they were able to maintain escorts for Britain supplies which were of importance for their victory. Britain acknowledged Canada’s effort and they held responsibility for Northwest Atlantic waters. (Douglas, Dubreuil). But in the process, Canada lost 14 warships, 2,000 members of the Royal Canadian Navy which consisted of young men; one in ten seamen were killed (Sarty). The government recruited young men who have not experienced the conditions of being at seas, the boats were overcrowded and unsanitary. And “Canadian people did not hear about bodies being washed ashore along the river bank. That was supposed to be hushed up” (Mitchell). The Canadian’s government discretion in this matter was unfair because of the conditions the young men faced overseas, and also the conditions of the battle were hidden from the

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