I flip on the lamp on my bedside table and toss the rose in the garbage. I know Callaway would want me to keep it for evidence, but I don't think I can stand to look at it for any longer than five seconds.
As I reach over to turn the light off again, my eyes catch the corner of another slip of paper, which had been half-concealed by the rose. Frowning, I scoop it off the table and open the creases; it's almost like deja vu.
My breath catches in my throat as I read the message, printed carefully in red ink, just like his last letter. …show more content…
I don't know how to interpret it. Is he talking about the date he left me in our last phone conversation? June 20th, 2000?
Shakily, I stuff the note under my pillow. I should at least show the letter to Callaway...considering I'm not going to mention anything more about the roses.
I check my phone, looking for the time. It's then that I notice I had received a text around midnight, and I can't resist checking it.
"Shit," I whisper when it brings up an unknown number. The message sends shivers down my spine, the hairs of my neck stick up straight on my skin. Two taunts in one night...good luck trying to sleep