1st degree burns, also called superficial burns, affects the outer layer of the skin only (epidermis). The symptoms usually include redness of skin, minor inflammation, dry and peeling of skin, mild pain, and no blisters. Some (common) causes include sunburn and a sudden burst of heat. 1st degree burns if left alone can disappear within 3-6 days. …show more content…
The wound looks white and indicates dead tissue. Symptoms of 2nd degree burns include blisters, discoloration and wetness of burned area and swelling of skin. These can be very painful. Most 2nd degree burns are caused by flames, chemicals, electricity, sunburn, and skin in contact with hot object. They can take more than 3 weeks to heal. Treatment varies and will be determined by your doctor. Bandage them to stop them from getting infected. Some home remedies you can use to treat them include running them under cool water for a period of 15 minutes or longer if needed, applying antibiotic ointments, and taking pain