The producers of “Bully” argue that because of Bullying more children and teens are committing suicide. Several personal stories were shared throughout the story of kid being bullied to the point to where they have attempted to hurt themselves or have succeeded in committing a horrible act. Also, the film crew followed a freshman in high school that was being bullied on the bus. When he told the administration about they didn’t …show more content…
Bullying does cause suicide. People need to take a stand for what’s right. For the kids that do not have a voice anymore because it was taken from them. I lost a close friend to bullying four years ago, his voice was taken from him. Because of a bully that just wouldn’t stop, because administration at the said its “boys being boys” or “stay out of it, they’ll work it out”. He was strong, he fought through bullying for three years in middle school and it followed him to sophomore year in high school when he had no way out. Fight for the ones that can’t fight for