Brown V. Board Of Education Case Study

Superior Essays
Several years after the Emancipation Proclamation, changing the status of African Americans from slaves to free people there were still laws put into place that still resonated slavery, and the segregation between white and black people. One institution were segregation between black and white Americans was still in practice until recently was in the educational facilities. Elementary schools from K-12 where still segregated in the sense that black kids had their own learning facilities while white kids also had their own learning facilities up until 1954 when Brown v. Board of Education was won. In 1896 the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson authorized the passing of a state in Louisiana, thats foundations where in segregation. The case …show more content…
Board of Education had a significant effect in the direction the country was heading in regarding their beliefs and values. This Supreme Court decision shun light on the racial inequality that was still deeply rooted and fueled by racism towards the black community. By the year 1963 only nine years after the Supreme Court ruling of Brown v. Board of education the views of Americans at the time and the acceptance of unsegregated schools was “ 62% of Americans — 73% of Northerners and 31% of Southerners — believe Blacks and Whites should attend the same schools.” Which in essence the acceptance of this idea of desecration was becoming more widely accepted. After the winning of the court case for Brown v. Board of Education there were still blurred lines at which standards schools should know be held at after they were to be desegregated. In 1968 the “Supreme Court orders states to dismantle segregated school systems "root and branch." The Court identifies five factors — facilities, staff, faculty, extracurricular activities and transportation — to be used to gauge a school system's compliance with the mandate of Brown.”. These newly established factors allowed schools to be held to new standards and actually see if they are improving their learning facilities and getting rid of desegregation within them. The court case of Brown also had an impact on some of the decisions made in other court cases such as “Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is passed prohibiting sex discrimination in any educational program that receives federal financial assistance.” The fundamental basis at which the Brown case was decided on went on to defend other such instances like this one. Discrimination upon a person based on something they can not change or have the power to change is morally incorrect and is based out of prejudice towards a certain group of people. Although the Supreme Court case Brown v.

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