Breastfeeding Research Paper

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Breastfeeding; the best way to feed a baby. It offers all the valuable nutrients that helps with growing, it offers protection from certain infections and some common childhood illnesses and it increases emotional bonding between mother and child. As valuable as breastfeeding can be, it does present some nuisances; such as learning how to deal with the awkward leaks, spraying, and dribbling that not only occur during active breastfeeding, but can continue long after giving birth and/or breastfeeding has stopped.
In women who have previously been pregnant or had a baby, it is not unusual to experience leaking of milk from the breast for weeks, months and even years after giving birth, regardless to whether or not breastfeeding followed. This “leaking” is termed a “physiological effect”, simply meaning, a normal, healthy operation of the body and its organs after being pregnant and or giving birth.(6) It is nonetheless, considered to be “unusual” to lactate for more than three years after having a baby or weaning a child from breastfeeding. The technical term for this phenomenon is galactorrhea; which signifies the excessive or inappropriate flow of milk. (7) Galactorrhea can be pathological which refers to a condition that is related to or is caused by a disease/illness, or it can be idiopathic; a term that medical professionals use in place of “I don’t know why”, literally meaning “any disease or condition that is of uncertain or unknown origin” (5). It is a common misunderstanding that galactorrhea only occurs in women who have been pregnant, although, women who have never been pregnant may similarly be affected; the origin is generally pathological but possibly idiopathic. Even though galactorrhea is more common in women, men and babies can experience galactorrhea as well. In men it is always pathological and in babies it is typically temporary and usually influenced by the mothers circulating hormones before childbirth. (2,11) When pathological, galactorrhea is most commonly caused by a pituitary tumor. The pituitary gland is responsible for the release of hormones that directly affect breast milk glands. Other causes can include but are
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(11) When the secretion is spontaneous (a common occurrence), it is usually physiological; being emotionally and/or sexually induced. (1) A study done by Hygeia II Medical Group found, when a women hears a baby cry or simply thinks about a baby, it triggers a signal to be sent to the brain that causes a release of oxytocin, a hormone that initiates the discharge of milk. (13,10) In another study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers at Rutgers University discovered that, both genital stimulation and nipple stimulation emit nerve impulses to the same region of the brain. This explains why some women experience un-manipulated flow of milk during sexual arousal. …show more content…
Patients with normal prolactin levels, who are not bothered by the discharge, and do not present with significant symptoms (e.g. diminished libido, amenorrhea, infertility) do not require treatment, although prolactin levels should be monitored periodically. (11) When treatment is desired idiopathic galactorrhea may be eliminated by blocking and/or reducing prolactin levels with medication. However, in patients with normal or low prolactin levels, treatment with medications would be difficult and most likely ineffective. (14) Women who experience idiopathic galactorrhea and are either unable to treat or choose not to treat the condition, generally learn to accept it and continue to educate themselves on ways to cope with the

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