Betrayal In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

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There are many different views about the concept of betrayal. Betrayal is described by World Book Online as a “. . . violation of trust or confidence.” Furthermore, there are different ways to be betrayed or to betray someone. Common examples of betrayal include adultery, mutiny, and stealing from a trusting friend. Betrayal also has an emotional effect on individuals. Being betrayed by an individual will induce the feelings of being “. . . taken advantage of, deceived, humiliated, despised, cheated, or stabbed in the back” (Krystal Kuehn). The novel The Kite Runner is a story about an Afghan named Amir, who experiences and causes betrayals between friends and family. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini addresses the different …show more content…
Hassan is first betrayed by Amir. Amir witnesses the rape of Hassan and does nothing to defend his friend. After the rape, Hassan becomes reserved and Ali mentions Hassan's condition to Amir saying, “[l]ately, it seems that all he wants to do is sleep” (Hosseini 81). The reason why Hassan reacts in this manner is explained by psychologist Joshua Coleman, “. . . the betrayed person [will] doubt their own . . . judgment in people, and [begin to] raise fundamental questions about the inherent goodness of the world.” Though Hassan has been betrayed he asks “. . . if [Amir] want[s] to hike up to the hill,” displaying his forgiveness for Amir (Hosseini 86). Forgiving Amir discloses Hassan’s preeminent character traits of forgiveness and acceptance. As the novel progresses, Hassan is once again betrayed by Amir. Amir frames Hassan for stealing his money and watch. Unexpectedly, Hassan accepts the false claim because he is a Christ figure in the novel and “[w]hen God's people are being persecuted then . . . [i]t is up to God to defend [his people], not man” (Ray C. Stedman). Another act of betrayal inflicted on Hassan is a result of Baba’s pride and reputation. The reason why Hassan is betrayed by Baba is in correlation to the secret that Hassan is Baba’s son and Amir’s half brother. This information is unveiled while Rahim Khan is persuading Amir to enter Afghanistan to rescue Sohrab. Hassan is affected by Baba’s …show more content…
Amir betrays Soraya, Sohrab, and Hassan, though the novel revolves around the betrayal of Hassan. Amir betrays his wife Soraya by not letting her know about the mission to retrieve Sohrab from Afghanistan. The motivation behind the betrayal is that Amir does not want Soraya to worry about him and he believes she will fly to Pakistan to be with him. Amir tells Soraya that he is only going away for at most a week because “Rahim Khan is very sick” and never updates her when he decides to risk his life and go into Taliban controlled Afghanistan to retrieve his nephew (Hosseini 191). After Amir enlightens Soraya about his situation, she takes it very well and tells Amir that “[y]ou have to bring him home” (Hosseini 326). Amir is thankful that Soraya approves of what he is doing even though he betrayed her by not telling her his situation. Soraya took Amir’s betrayal admirably, but the same cannot be said about Sohrab. The betrayal occurs when Amir promises Sohrab that he will never have to go back to an orphanage again. When Amir realizes that in order to bring Sohrab back to America, he will have to retire Sohrab to an orphanage. He tells Sohrab the news, which later influences him to commit suicide. In the hospital, Amir starts to pray to Allah hoping to not lose Sohrab and to not have to bear the burden of losing both Hassan and Sohrab. In the Bible when Judas betrayed Jesus he “. . .killed

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