From the moment Amir and Hassan are born, Baba is already looking after Hassan to make up for the …show more content…
Alongside Baba, Rahim Khan is seeking forgiveness because he has kept the secret of Amir and Hassan. To receive forgiveness for keeping his secret, Rahim Khan finds that he needs do it through Amir, by urging him to find Sohrab. After summoning Amir to Afghanistan, he pleads Amir to “grant an old man his dying wish” by recovering Sohrab (221). By convincing Amir to do this, Rahim Khan believes he can redeem himself for Hassan’s death and secret about his birth, as he himself is too sick to save Sohrab. When Amir is reluctant to search Kabul for Sohrab, Rahim Khan becomes desperate in his effort to persuade Amir and reveals to him that Ali was sterile, and that Hassan was actually the offspring of Baba. Amir quickly becomes enraged, and storms off full of internal conflict. Eventually he remembers how he was disloyal to Hassan, and that Hassan may have had the chance come to America if Amir didn’t betray him. This realization turns Amir toward saving Sohrab, and completes Rahim Khan’s wish and journey for forgiveness because of his success in persuading Amir. By teaching Amir about forgiveness, and influencing him to find Sohrab, Rahim Khan demonstrates how one can guide others to redeem