Behemoth In A Bathrobe Analysis

Improved Essays
In Carla Seaquist’s Behemoth in a Bathrobe, historical events, opposing perspectives, and an interesting use of dialogue are used to persuade American citizens to be more mindful and motivated to get back a lost “can-do spirit.” The playwright originally published this article in February 2003 on Christian Science Monitor, just two years after the attack on September 11, 2001. Through this piece, she challenges Americans to stop avoiding the issues that need to be dealt with. The revised version was published to Huffington Post in 2013 changing the addressed societal issues of 2003 to the more relevant affairs happening in 2013. Due to her appeals to pathos working alongside logos, her use of ethos, as well as introducing an alternate perspective …show more content…
This is a result of the author writing it uniquely as a dialogue between two characters, Behemoth and Voice. The character of Behemoth is there to depict America as a whole and Voice depicts America’s ‘conscience,’ therefore it is obviously directed to the audience of American citizens. Voice starts by questioning Behemoth about what has happened to him, followed by addressing him about having a spirit of avoidance. Voice then goes on to take Behemoth through history and recalling both the hardships and the accomplishments America has been through. He reminds him of the 9/11 attacks, putting a man on the moon, and enduring the Great Depression and Civil War. Voice concludes his conversation with Behemoth by motivating him and asking him what to do in order to change his ways. Throughout the dialogue, Behemoth inserts a few comments showing his tendency to avoid. However, there is a gradual change in him and by the end he is fully engaged with Voice on how to solve the conflict. Seaquist’s thesis statement of the article is, “All this mindless activity—-we must become more …show more content…
Using America to confront America on a touchy subject kindles the audience towards a more receptive attitude about the message rather than becoming defensive. Voice uses words like us, ours, and we to show that they are united. By doing this, it gives Voice credibility and a right to say what he/she is saying. It also helps with to attempt to motivate Americans towards taking action. When Voice says, “Our spark. Our elan vital, our can-do spirit,” a feeling of unity is created and that sensation inspires the audience to work together and ponder the message she is imparting through this

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