Awareness In Raymond Carver's Cathedral

Superior Essays
Through awareness, we create change, and sometimes it takes an unforeseeable encounter with a peculiar individual, to ignite our awareness, and educate our perception. It’s up to us to accept the awareness and allow the change or to be aware and avoid the change. The Narrator in “Cathedral”, by Raymond Carver, experiences awareness through Robert, the blind man. Similarly, Victor in “This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona”, by Sherman Alexie, finds realization, through the company of Thomas, a childhood friend. However, the circumstances that promote change in both of the characters, as well as what they decide to do with their awareness differs. Robert is an erstwhile acquaintance of the Narrator’s wife. He recently lost his wife and is staying for the night in the Narrator’s house, to visit relatives of the deceased. The Narrator isn’t very enthusiastic about the blind man's visit, perceiving him as a potential burden; “A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to” (Carver 86), he says. He speaks insensitively about Robert’s condition and holds a stereotyped perception of blindness. Although the narrator knows of his wife appreciation for Robert, he doesn’t sympathize with it, now shows respect for it. Similarly, Victor isn't too thrilled about spending time with Thomas. He perceives Thomas, as someone disliked by most and doesn't desire to be his friend. Thomas and Victor are part of the same Indian tribe and used to be childhood friends, but grew apart. Victor is going through a challenging time, his father passed away, and he wants to go to Phoenix, to collect his ashes and savings, but he is unemployed and doesn’t have sufficient money to go. The Tribal Council contributes with a hundred dollars, but it isn’t enough. Unexpectedly, Thomas offers to lend him the money, with the condition, that he takes him with him, at first Victor rejects the offer, but ultimately realizes that he needs Thomas' assistance to go. With Thomas' money, they board a plane to Phoenix. Likewise, when Robert arrives, the narrator feels uncomfortable. Through the window, he sees his wife and Robert, approaching. The thought of this man entering his house upsets him, “This blind man, feature this, he was wearing a full beard! A beard on a blind man! Too much, I say” (89), he says, mocking Robert in thought. The Narrator finds himself, smoking and drinking with the blind man. …show more content…
Also, although awkwardly, communicating with him. Robert’s willingness and ingenuity amaze him. Whatever he imagined knowing about blind people, this fellow's actions were showing him the opposite. Robert behaves very respectfully and listens attentively. The blind man might not be able to see with his eyes, but that doesn’t preclude him from seeing with his heart. The Narrator’s wife starts to feel tired and leaves to rest, leaving the Narrator and Robert alone. Later, she returns but falls asleep on the couch. Before long, they start to watch television and continue to interact awkwardly, but evidently something was changing in him, he starts describing to Robert, what’s on the television, a sign of tenderness and compassion. Eventually, starts describing a Cathedral to the blind man, but although he is able to see the Cathedral, finds it enormously challenging to describe it and discourages. Robert proposes him, to draw the Cathedral instead, and the Narrator finds a paper-bag to draw it. As the Narrator draws, with eyes closed, Robert follows with his fingers. The Narrator discovers himself in a land of keen awareness. He reflects, “His fingers rode my fingers as my hand went over the paper. It was like nothing else in my life up to know”, as he allows himself to feel and appreciate. Comparably, Victor’s journey with Thomas also leads to great insight. Victor starts venturing into his past with Thomas, and memories ignite puzzling emotions in him. Thomas’ presence reminds Victor of his childhood and the Native American heritage, and although this frustrates him, it attracts him. One fourth of July, when they were teenagers, and excited about the fireworks, Thomas wonders thoughtfully, “It’s strange how us Indians celebrate the Fourth of July. It ain’t like it was our independence everybody was fighting for” (249), at that time Victor doesn’t quite comprehend or put much emphasis on Thomas’ thoughts, but now he begins to perceive differently. Thomas keeps

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