The industrial condition reforms and improvement of urban life during the 1890-1915 period were very successful progressive reforms. Both helped improve the life of many citizens during that period and today. The many laws, such as child labor acts and pure food and drugs acts, made the quality of living much better. The Jungle, a book written by Upton Sinclair in 1906, was a fiction book about poor conditions in the meatpacking industry.…
What typically motivates people to do anything? Self-Interest, and America did not fall short of this characteristic throughout the following years: 1895-1920. There were always hidden causes in America’s actions such as land, money, and power, which were strong influences in the young World Power’s influences. This is evident through the imperialistic nature of America always growing and needing somewhere to further its claws, the demand from the ever growing economic system, and the power that radiated from the growing nation, and even the president. Once America became aware of its strength, the wish to ‘expand’ became merely only a part of America’s natural tendency.…
Americans during the early nineteenth century were trying to reach for compromise to solve their political disputes, but by 1860 compromise seemed unattainable. The years between 1820 and 1860 were a time of vast change for the newly free colonies and each citizen had different ideas on what advancements from there would look like. All the disputes revolved around one thing: slavery. The issue proved to be explosive by 1860 when the nation realized the Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850, which were passed to bring a sense of unity, seemed to be done in vain as they hardly made a dent in the issues at hand. Voters joined political parties and voted for officials based on their attitudes toward slavery, the issue caused sectional divides between the North and South, and different cultural events…
Timeline 1920-1930 Political: 1. Prohibition 1918-1927 Women’s groups such as the Women’s Christian Temperance Union wanted to ban alcohol. They beloved that grain should not be used for alcohol instead it should be helping the soldiers feed. Furthermore, crime would be lowered, more production would happen and drinking alcohol was not considered religious.…
Summer-time in the city brought me to different parts of the MTA that I never encountered before. Riding on the A line for the first time, I found myself catching a glimpse of these little fellows as my train pulled into the 14th Street station. Small, whimsical, pudgy (yes, I said pudgy) statuettes depict commonplace figures, such as a grimacing police woman, an officer (guarding a ball of tin foil), a homeless man sleeping under the stairway (the statue was placed there deliberately, I should think) and many more. As I walked by these figures, I found myself thinking back to my high school history class. These figure look a lot like the cartoon newspaper drawings of the late 1800- early 1900s depicting the bankers and politicians…
I think a significant social trend would be the growth of films in the 1920’s. This is where sound in films was introduced to the world for the first time from a film presented as talkies like “The Jazz Singer.” Some key film genres also came to flourish during the decade like horror and romantic comedies. With the introducing of sound in films the concept of the movie appeared immediately. Before sound was introduced silent films were played with music when it was projected in the theater.…
Do you know what's so important about 1839? It was the year that America’s pastime was created. That's right we're talking about baseball! “Little is known about the origin of baseball, the subject of considerable debate and controversy for more than 100 years” (“B-R Bullpen” 1). With all of this debate surrounding baseball’s creation, the sport has changed over the time.…
Business developments in the late nineteenth caused major changes in the lives of citizens, how they worked and how the government functioned. Society changed with new inventions and with the new of idea of Social Darwinism. The standard of living increased, increasing the amount of required by each worker. Big business owners did not care about the conditions of labor; they only cared if they made a profit. The government was being manipulated by the rich and lost power over the rich.…
Gaining its independence from the British in 1776, the growth of the United States of America from that period to the present day has followed many paths. With a population that now exceeds 300 million, many different people have provided their insight, their input and their ideas to continue to make the United States a free country. From the late 1800s to the present day there have been technological inventions and governmental programs created to help the country remain on its path of growth, strength, and freedom. Three different eras since the late 1800s have played a significant role as the country continues to display its ingenuity.…
In today's times we access music on our smartphones rather than buying a physical copy. Having direct access is much simpler than buying a CD. The appeal of being able to take our music with us anywhere we go excites today's generations. We can even connect our phones to our radios and play them in the car without a CD! Music is at the touch of our fingers.…
If it wasn’t for the music back then, the Americans today wouldn’t have a unique approach to music and it would be meaningless. Music today doesn’t differ much from the past, if anything it just evolved. This is a reason why Americans take the art of music so dearly. Music would be one of the few luxuries the colonists had in their time and would change their everyday…
Before there were things like Youtube or iTunes that instantly gave you music, there was not so fast technology before hand. The technology that was used before were things like record players and cassette tapes. With today's technology, all you have to do is go on your IPhone or IPad, look up any song from any genre and listen to it. When it came to things like record players, you had to use a big black plastic disc that you put on a spinning deck that played music by using a thin needle that was dragged across the disc as it was spinning.…
In comparison with other countries, America’s history is quite young, yet still very intense. It is common knowledge that this continent was officially discovered (by the modern world) in year 1492 by Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator and explorer. He was sailing for the Spanish Crown in search of a westward route to Asia (Indies) to access the trade markets of spices and other oriental goods. The discovery of a new world between Europe and Asia, unknown up to that time, led to massive exploration and colonization by countries such as Spain and other European sea powers. This event is often described as the start of the modern era.…
The first excerpt I have chosen is “Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson one of the world’s most popular artist. In this excerpt Michael excites the crowd with his extraordinary dances moves. The music is very upbeat and the beat pretty much stays the same throughout the song. The second excerpt I found was a performance of “It’s Gonna Be Me” by NSync. In this excerpt you can hear the crowd screaming as soon as the group hits the stage.…
The Legend of 1900 is a fiction film base on Alessandro Baricco’s monologue - Novecento. Through intelligent use of dialogues, the director successfully shapes a music-isolated character - 1900 - who evokes a lot of different opinion argument from audiences. As a pianist, he dedicated to the music. He does not live for glamour, and he does not care for fame. In his lifelong journey, he finally finds a comforting way that he can live by, although others can not truly understand him.…