Athletic Burnout Research Paper

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Athletic burnout is when an athlete becomes overwhelmed psychologically and physically that the sport they used to enjoy becomes unenjoyable. Athletes will tend to exhibit symptoms of emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment, and sport devaluation (Raedeke & Smith, 2001). These feelings can cause athletes to drop out of their sport. Collegiate athletes are more susceptible to athletic burnout because of the amount of time dedicated to their sport. There are factors that predict athletic burnout. These are important to know so that coaches, players, and trainers are educated on athletic burnout and can help prevent it. Maladaptive perfectionism, staleness, self-determined motivation, and feelings of optimism are the …show more content…
This is seen when the athlete develops a standard too high for oneself to accomplish. The athlete has an exceptionally high self-critical evaluation of oneself and this can negatively impact the athlete. Therefore when they do not meet these goals, they have a greater reaction by seeing their failures as a negative sign instead of a positive building block. They have a high focus on these mistakes and how others may view them (Chen, Kee, & Tsai, 2009). This causes stress and anxiety to develop within the athlete leading to negative coping measures that may impact psychological well being. To understand how one copes with anxiety there are six subscales. These subscales are cognitive anxiety intensity, somatic anxiety intensity, self-confidence intensity, cognitive anxiety direction, somatic anxiety direction, self-confidence direction (Cremades, Wated, & Wiggins, 2011). Understanding how athletes perceive anxiety is an important factor in why athletes can develop maladaptive …show more content…
This is when athletes who tend to be more intrinsically motivated have a lower chance of experiencing athletic burnout compared to those who are extrinsically motivated or amotivated. Some examples of extrinsic motivators would be an athletic scholarship or a higher social standing (Holmberg & Sheridan, 2013). Those athletes who are more intrinsically motivated participate in their sport because they truly enjoy their sport. They are motivated by the factors such as health benefits or learning a new skill rather than those who are there only for the social aspect. There are four different types of extrinsic motivation that an athlete can have. These are external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation. The most common one being external regulation which is when the athlete is participating to receive rewards (Lonsdale, Hodge, & Rose). There tends to be a high correlation with those who are extrinsically motivated and athletic burnout. This is because they lose that sense of happiness in the sport when they aren't getting their way. An example of this would be if they aren't winning, they are more likely to just give up out of failure and boredom, while one who is intrinsically motivated will try harder and put more effort into the game. This being stated, we can also see why those athletes who are intrinsically motivated have a much lower chance of

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