Arvinachelys Golden

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Recently, scientists have discovered fossils of an extinct species of turtles that particularly have snouts as noses, similar to a pig. However, because of its snout, it was named Golden's bacon turtle, or Arvinachelys golden. Usually, turtles have one nasal passage in their skulls because of how fleshy their nostrils are. Arvinachelys golden was found by a team from Natural History Museum of Utah and discovered the fossil at the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. In addition, this turtle also had a near completed forelimb, partial hindlimbs, and vertebrae from the neck and tail, unlike any other turtle ever recorded. Since Earth was somewhat wet and hot and full of rivers back then, it was suitable for the turtles. Scientists believe that this well extinct turtle possibly lived with dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurs, armored ankylosaurus, and giant duck-billed dinosaurs. After the discovery, Jerry Golden, a volunteer fossil preparator at the Natural History Museum of Utah, is now preparing to physically reproduce the specimen.

Sometimes, fossils are our key to the past. Similar to the discovery of this turtle, scientists were able to
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Knowing the discovery of this turtle made me realize of how much you can learn from just a piece of evidence. It also made me realize there is more to this world as we slowly put the puzzle pieces together. Therefore, knowing our past is just as significant as your future. So it’s amazing to know all the discoveries we can find next. Also all the opportunities this can perceive later like sharing their findings to the world, encouraging children on wanting to become one of them, or adding to the list of theories that explains everything in the world. What I do question is if we would ever stop finding new animals that lived long ago. However, I would soon find out as our next discovery a

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