Voting is about what all people in our country want, despite any past mistakes they have made. As hard as it might be to accept that people have committed crimes that hurt someone and breached the law, it is essential that citizens of this country only look at each other as other citizens, and not …show more content…
People believe that by committing a felony the right to vote is lost. They have proven they do not respect the law. The problem is that without giving this right again, it alienates these citizens so that they do not respect the law and do not fully rehabilitate. It is claimed to be a decision of justice, yet it is proven to affect people racially, as nearly one in thirteen African Americans of voter age cannot vote because of this. It means that entire groups of people are not entirely represented in our votes, and the needs of United States citizens are not even being recorded, which gives a reasonable explanation for at least some of the widespread dissatisfaction of our country. When so many people of our country are not participating fully in a right of our country by law, it is no wonder America is divided and aggrieved in these