Expansion of the voting rights within the United States can be defined as one of the most remarkable achievements (Mestrich, huffingtonpost.com) within the free electoral system. However, restrictions on voting implemented under the state laws circulated within politics (Epps, theatlantic.com). For example, considering prisoners and felons within the corrections system who are denied their individual right to politically participate through voting. In addition, disenfranchisement has led to separate divisions within the democratic process, as many citizens are recognized as proponents or opponents concerning voting rights for felons. For example, twenty-one percent of Americans serve as opponents regarding voting rights for felons, as they believe that felons should permanently lose their suffrage rights (Swanson, huffingtonpost.com). Furthermore, seventeen percent of citizens serve to be complete proponents as they support voting rights for felons regardless of them serving any kind of punishment (Swanson, huffingtonpost.com) implying that no citizen should be deferred from their individual rights within the boundaries of a democracy. Based on the demographics, millions of felons are denied the right to express their political beliefs within our contemporary generation. …show more content…
Furthermore, these limitations implemented on felons can be traced back to the democratic foundation of America as women, poor, African Americans and felons were stripped of voting rights (McLaughlin, huffingtonpost.com) which still continues for felons today due to the strict enforcement of laws. Many Americans consider this to be a negative impact within the democracy as the exclusion of felons from political involvement brings about racial discrimination within the society (Sidlow and Henschen 171). Limitations on voting has led to the presence of racial discrimination as African Americans who are felons are on the top of the hierarchy in comparison to the rest of the population (Sidlow and Henschen 171). Due to which there is an imbalance within the voting system as a significant amount of individuals are being underrepresented within the democratic process. Furthermore, due to felon disfranchisement and the idea of racial discrimination, questions are being raised regarding who goes to the prison in United States based on its high incarceration rates nationwide (Greenhouse, nytimes.com). Disfranchisement not only impedes citizens of different races from voting but also, deprives other citizens of political rights involving suffrage. For example, excluding the poor or the people within minority groups from expressing their point of views regarding political affairs this leads to bias within the voting system (Sidlow and Henschen 171). As, not every individual is represented equally defeating the true purpose of a democracy, because the current situation is defined to be “patently unfair” (Sidlow and Henschen 171). In fact, many citizens or the federal courts within the United States would not approve of any restrictions enforced on rights mentioned within the First Amendment as they are classified to be the fundamental rights based on freedom and equality (Epps, theatlantic.com). In addition, due to the belief held by many individuals in support of suffrage rights for felons, a general nationwide trend to loosen the restrictions on voting has been implemented (McLaughlin, huffingtonpost.com). As, restoration of political rights for ex-incarcerated felons is under consideration implying the idea that felons who have paid for their deeds through any form of punishment under the law and have returned as productive citizens, (McLaughlin, huffingtonpost.com) should be allowed to express their political ideologies on individual grounds. Suffrage rights for felons can be classified as a controversial issue due to a clash of different viewpoints. As, many citizens are in support of providing voting rights to felons while many citizens stand on the opposing side of the spectrum, as they believe in strict enforcement of disfranchisement. For example, supporters of disfranchisement argue against prisoners within the grounds of law and order. As, they believe that prisoners have discharged themselves from the morals within the society