Why Do We Have The Right To Vote

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Today in America, our youth are taught that the right to vote it one of the most important rights we have. It can help us shape our future as a country. But what if this cherished belief weren’t true? There are those that argue that a single a single person’s vote cannot make a difference. But are they right? Voting in America can sometimes become a confusing concept. We are not a direct democracy; meaning that a citizen’s vote does not go directly towards the president during an election. Instead, they vote for voting representatives in their state. This system is known as the Electoral College. The founding fathers built the election process around the Electoral College, but there are problems with the system to accompany its strengths. There are many states which can have a greater influence during elections than others, known as swing states. On the other hand, there are states so set in their political ways that they nearly always lean towards one political party or the other. Arguable the most concerning problem with the Electoral College is the ability for a president to be elected without the popular vote. The …show more content…
This would effectively cut out the middle man of the Electoral College. However, one very real possibility to instituting direct democracy is the appearance of “regional, ideological, or special interest groups” (Turner Jr) that would be able to have a profound impact on presidential elections (Turner Jr).” These groups would be able to use their vast finances and resources to force their way in as presidential contenders, through any means they could. This is one of the exact situations the founding fathers wished to prevent by establishing the Electoral College. Would it truly be worth the destruction of the Electoral College to open the door to this kind of abuse of

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