During the Holocaust Margot Frank was very responsible young Adult . She kept to herself and knew exactly what to say and when to say it. And she understands a lot about how to take care of herself.
Anne confirms about Margot at the table, she writes; “ Eats like a little mouse, and she doesn't say a word “. Anne and Margot have a few fights during their time in the secret annex. But sometimes they get on well and talk about lots of things that happen while they were in hiding.
After the war, Margot wants to emigrate to what was then the Palestine mandate, to become a maternity nurse, write Anne. Otto states later that she wanted to study medicine. …show more content…
Anne writes; “Evidence of Margot's goodness I received this today “ Anne yesterday when I said I wasn't jealous of you, i wasn't being entirely honest. The situation is this; i'm not jealous of either you or Peter. I'm lust sorry I haven't found anyone with whom to share my own feelings with and i'm really not likely to in the future. But that's why I wish from the bottom of my heart, that you will both be able to place you trust in each other, you're already missing out on so much here, some things that others may take for granted…” I can understand why Margot cares alot about her sister.Before the war, Anne and Margot were regular sisters, bickering at times, but mostly amiable. Because they were three years apart, their lives only intersected at school but not much. Margot did exceptionally well in her courses, and Anne, although smart on her own, wanted to do better. Their care for each other was obvious, though, the moment that Margot realized she received a call up notice, which was the note calling someone to report to a concentration camp for labor. Anne became very emotional and scared for her sister. 'Margot told me that the call-up was not for Father, but for her. At this second shock, I began to cry. Margot is sixteen - apparently they want to send girls her age away on their own.' although while in hiding she doesn't have a lot of people whom to share her own thoughts and feelings …show more content…
Margot, being the only one of her age group living and hiding in the secret annex may have been depressed having to keep all of her thoughts in her head and never being able to talk them over with anyone. Margot's being strong the whole way through hiding in the annex makes me believe she was a very strong wise young