Argumentative Essay Depression

Superior Essays
In today’s world, many teens and adults are overcome with depression. It comes in many different forms, but can cause problems with relationships, daily activities, and the way someone interacts with friends and family. Depression exists as serious illness that can control someone’s mood and way of being. If depression is not halted with the help of friends, family, and professionals it can lead to self-harm and sometimes suicide. Depression needs to be ceased. When someone who has not experienced depression thinks about it, they don’t think of the toll it takes on you. They don’t think about how much it affects you; they only imagine it as being sad and down all the time. Depression comes with much more serious effects and is presented in different ways. Depression comes in many different forms including; Major depression, Persistent depressive disorder (PDD), and more specifically, psychotic depression, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder. According to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) people experience depression at least once in their life, whether it is one of the ones listed above or another. Unlike Major depression, PDD lasts for two years rather than two weeks. PDD “is less severe than major depression, and involves the same symptoms as major depression, mainly low energy, poor appetite, and insomnia or oversleeping” (Anxiety and Depression). Depression also includes more specific versions. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) “which is characterized by the onset of depression during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight. The depression generally lifts during the spring and summer” (Depression). There is also a form of depression that only exists in women. This occurs after a woman gives birth and is overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of a newborn. It is “estimated that 10 to 15 percent of women experience postpartum depression after giving birth” (Depression). Depression, even in its many forms, is still the same disease that is affecting teens and adults across the world. Something that all of those types of depression have in common, is that they all target a specific area of the brain and produce similar patterns. …show more content…
According to recent research “drugs acting on the glutamate system have a more rapid antidepressant effects than conventional treatment” (Sodhi). This information gives researchers a sense of how the brain is affected during its period of depression. It also tells us that antidepressant drugs work stronger than conventional treatments. The research provided to us examines “genes that encode docking ports on a type of nerve cell activated by the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate” (Sodhi). Depression does not control all of our brain, although it may seem like it, it only occupies the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. With this specific information, we can produce medicine for depression that treats faster, and come up with ways of treatment that target this specific part of the brain. I can remember the day my friend pulled me into the bathroom after volleyball practice and showed me her scars on her hip. She used self-harm because she was sad, because she was depressed. It hurt to watch her hurt. I called her that night and we talked about her depression for hours. She told me how she had thoughts of suicide, and I just kept thinking about a world without her and I cried. She begged me not to tell her parents, because she didn’t want professional help, so I obeyed and was there to help her and support her like any friend would do. Abby wasn’t the only person close to me who was depressed. My brother, Jake, was also depressed, and I remember him coming home day …show more content…
It provides professional help, and a list of therapists that suit a person’s specific need. The ADAA offers many resources for someone to get help and treat their depression including; support groups, self-help, treatment, and coaching. When someone is in one of the support groups, it surrounds someone with people, who are struggling with the same issues as them, and envelops that person in love and presents them with the support they need. There is also a blog on their website that contributes incredible stories of past victims who fell victim to depression, but with the help of the ADAA are now living a better

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