Appiah Cosmopolitanism

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Cosmopolitans as the author says are those who are knowledgeable and comfortable in several different countries and cultures. The author states that the right approach begins by taking each individual as the proper object of moral concern. Cosmopolitans seriously acknowledge the decisions and actions of every person, from every different culture. Globalization began hundreds of years ago and is still continuing today. The author talks about the preservation of culture and how many believe that globalization is changing traditions and lifestyles but for the worse. The author believes that our cultures must change with time because if they do not they will simply die. Yes, tradition and culture should be something to have pride in and be celebrated …show more content…
Going back to neofundamentalism, we saw that there still are several people who believe many traditions should remain the same. With many religions such as Roman Catholicism and Islam, there are many people who feel that they are losing the value their religion holds. That is to say, they are losing what their faith stands for and the whole purpose of it. As the author says, some wish to “cleanse” Islam as if neighboring cultures are contaminating the system. Though neofundamentalists usually do not go as far as murder compared to radical neofundamentalists, there is still that way of thinking that they must preserve what they have been taught. Change is often a challenge because of thousands of years of practicing traditions and obeying laws that at the time seemed appropriate. For instance, in class we had guest lectures discuss what was appropriate for women to wear according to different sects of a religion. In the United States we are raised to treat both men and women equally which means women have the right to wear what they choose too without being harmed or judged by anyone or any government. As we know, there are still many places where this thinking is not even close to spreading because of a strong tie to tradition and culture. This often includes

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