I was seven years old when my family and I moved to Hawaii from the Philippines. My parents hoped for a better life and a better education for my brothers and I. When I came to Hawaii I had already completed first grade in the Philippines. Even though I completed the first grade I was still required to retake first grade. Other students thought I was incapable of learning due to the fact, I was a year older than everyone in my class. To this day the reason I had to repeat first grade remains a mystery. Now that I’m in highschool, I don’t mind it. The constant reminder that other kids thought I was incapable of learning motivated me to try harder. Taking honors classes as well as being advanced in math was a result.
Throughout my childhood, my parents motivated me to always succeed in all my classes. They always pushed me to do better than the last. School standards in the Philippines are nothing compared to American school standards. School tuition as well as school supplies were expensive. My parents did not graduate high school. My mom attended school until she was in sixth grade and my dad attended until he was in the 10th grade. It was crucial that my brothers and I obtain a far greater education than …show more content…
Although they graduated high school, they did not consider furthering their education. They are very supportive of my decisions to attend college. It is my personal goal to attend college, even if it’s just for two years. I will be attending Hawaii Community College at Hilo in the Fall of 2017. I will be attending as a full time student. My ultimate goal is to become a registered nurse. In order to fulfill my goal I will be taking my prerequisites at the community college for two years. In which I plan to have an associate in science. I plan to work my hardest in order to be accepted into their nursing program. Nursing is more than the salary, it is an opportunity to help