Andre Dubus Writing Style Analysis

Improved Essays
Authors are the motors in which keep the literary world going round. Without the beloved authors, humans would not have the pure joy and privilege to be able to read and enjoy all the millions of pieces of work. The millions of pieces of work all are unique in that they are made specifically from an author’s personal preference. All authors demonstrate different styles that appeal to one audience or the other. Styles such as gothic, thrillers, and tragedy are all different styles that many authors base their works of off. These styles can depict how the author is feeling, the world around them or an event in the past. The American author Andre Dubus displays a very unique type of writing. In Andre’s writing he writes mainly about the nature of actions and the struggles by which men experience when things go wrong. Andre’s life is filled with many tragic experiences in which transform to the style, themes, tone, and setting of his writings. …show more content…
His style is mainly the struggles of men when things go wrong. The struggles that Dubus experienced would theoretically make any man write in the style that Dubus does. Due to a 1986 tragic accident, Dubus life changed. Stopping his car to help a stranded motorist, he was struck by another car and wheel chair bound the rest of his life (Encyclopedia Britannica). Dubus also had an experience in which is displayed in his stories where his daughter was raped by another woman which in turn causing many years of paranoia. These life tragedies are displayed greatly in Dubus’s writings. The short story “The Curse” by Dubus is one of the greatest examples of style of writing. Being the struggles of life, “The Curse” seems to mimic Dubus’s paranoia in reality making the style of his writing about not only the struggles of life but the struggles of his life. Using this type of style helps Dubus create in his writings a personal interpretation of the

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