China and India both had a grouping system system that allowed everyone have a role. India also has a caste system based on these principles. The Brahmin came from the head of Purusha. The Brahmin jobs consist of all religion and education jobs. Kshatriyas were second highest on the scale and were responsible to protect people and go to war. They were born out of Purusha’s arms. Vaisyas were born from his thighs and were expected to write down all records. The lowest of the Caste system were the Sudras. Sudras were expected to clean and scavenge. China’s Confucius beliefs derived from …show more content…
Us as Americans value money. Many kids now days do not dream of becoming a priest or scholar, they dream of being a doctor or any job that rakes in the cash. Do you remember when you were in kindergarten? Did you have your life planned out? I remember I wanted to be a tow truck driver. I believed that if I was a tow truck driver, I could be happy. It is amazing how differently we can change to see how to can survive in the outside world. The US also show us something, we not only value money, we group people by it. Yacht clubs and Country clubs. Only known for the richest of rich. The Middle class, who can range from upper middle to lower middle, are by far the most numerable group. But who gets classified? We are judged on our cars, boats, houses, clothes, and actions. We should be judged on our knowledge, as the Chinese and Indians are. What ties us all together. Down to the core, it is power. Power is what ties together the need for money, education, religion. But it's what we do to achieve that sets us