Overall, this sculpture depicts the goddess of the Hare Nome, the goddess Hathor, and the King Mycerinus (in that order from left to right), all carved from a single block of greywacke. Additionally, this is an example of a high relief sculpture, meaning that the sculpture is …show more content…
Similarly to depth, the goddess of the Hare Nome is the smallest in scale and therefore visually the least important. The King Mycerinus almost rivals Hathor in terms of scale, which is impressive as she is one of the most important Egyptian dieties. Seprately, each of these figures illustrate incorrectness in scale which is characteristic of Egyptian figures. For example, each of the figures contain especially wide shoulders (which overlap with one another’s), small, symmetrical faces, and long legs. The overlap of shoulders also indicate which figure is considered the most important; Hathor’s right shoulder crosses in front of the goddess of the Hare Nome but her left shoulder is situated behind King Mycerinus. The juxtaposition of the small faces with broad shoulders communicate the incredible power commanded by each of these figures politically, physcially, and supernaturally. Similarly, the exaggerated length of the legs suggest their importance not only in terms of scale, as this makes them comparatively large within their background, but in terms of line; the strong vertical lines suggests little motion but rather the ability to stand anchored admist conflict. Finally, the size of King Mycerinus’ head dress is exaggerated in size, likely to place him above the other two figures since he is comparatively smaller in scale and depth than Hathor (though his torso is nearly as large as Hathor’s, which itself indicates a similarity in