But their daughter tosses him in the trash. On page 80 when the daughter, Lolly was throwing him out “Edward felt a sharp pain somewhere deep inside his china chest.” A hobo retrieves Edward, then an old woman uses him as a scarecrow until Bryce, an abused boy, rescues Edward for his little sister, Sarah Ruth. She calls him Jangles, and Bryce strings up the china rabbit to dance for money like a marionette. On page 126 “too late, thought Edward as Bryce pulled the nails out of his ears. I am only a doll made out of china.” Edward finally finds love with Sarah Ruth, but unfortunately he dies from sickness. His life completely changes when an angry diner owner dashes him on the counter edge. Then Edward suffers “death and revival”. At this part of the story Edward isn't getting the royal treatment anymore and he isn't getting nice clothes and so much love like he did with Abilene. This is the first time Edward is feeling rejection and he is not being treated like a prince and he is being misused. Edward enters the afterlife. He sees Bryce and all his other owners and asks were Sarah Ruth is and Bryce points to the …show more content…
When Edward was with Abilene he was treated like a king, he was given absolutely everything a toy could be given. Just like the princess in the story Pellegrina tells Abeline at the beginning of the book, he only thought of himself. But once he falls out of the boat and meets all these people he is not treated like he was before. He was neglected, miss-used and when he finally finds that one person after many years he could find love for, she passes away. Edward learns that loving and being loved makes happiness, not the things you have. When he passed by owners who loved him and he loved back, he was happy. Especially when he was given to Sarah Ruth. Sarah didn't give Edward expensive items like Abilene, but she gave him so much love and he loved her back. Edward was happy to be with Sarah, a little poor girl with nothing but a big heart. Edward used to be a self-absorbed rabbit at the beginning of the story, but after his long journey he learned the true meaning of happiness is love. In the text the author states "If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is