In the Reflections, Turgot develops Quesnay's theory that the land is the only source of wealth and divides society into three classes is was the productive or agricultural, the salaried or artisan class, and the land-owning class. It happen after Turgot tracing the origin of commerce .After discussing the evolution of the different systems …show more content…
Society is therefore divided into proprietors who own the land, the people concerned with agricultural production who produce the greater part of national wealth, and finally the artisans who produce the non-agricultural commodities required by the first two classes and who receive their subsistence in return. Two types of income share arise in such society: the surplus product or rent for the landowners, who are the only owners of the national wealth and the wages, reduced to subsistence by competition, for those who have no property except for their ability to work. The extraction of the surplus from the working classes by the proprietors has changed according to the various modes of agriculture production which have been practiced. That is, slavery, bondage to the soil, vassalage, sharecropping and finally, the leasing of land to farmers who supply their own capital for the cultivation of the land for which the pay regular and pre-determined money rent. This last method, as Turgot put it, is only utilized by countries which are already developed and wealthy; the fourth method was used by less developed and less wealthy areas. Therefore France was in a stage of agricultural transition, since both of these methods were used in various parts of the country. The …show more content…
This requires a discussion of money, value and exchange and a discussion of capital accumulation, the need for capital in all sections of industry and the origin of profit. Since this form of property permits the receipt of an income without labour, it has to be distinguished from the other form, land and consequently the division of the society into classes presented in the first part is modified. With the advent of capital, society is divided into landlords who draw revenue from their