In 1775, Patrick Henry gave a speech to the Virginia Convention addressing to the colonists that they must fight to get their liberty and freedom back from Britain. This speech later famously became known as the “Speech to the Virginia Convention.” He believes that the only option that is left is war. Attempts were made to gain their liberty and freedom by sending petitions to King George, but were ignored for 10 years. After years of neglect and being controlled by Britain, Henry speaks up and through the usage of rhetorical devices, he persuades the colonists what he think needs to be done.…
Chavez’s goal was pretty clear it was to get growers of all kinds to get better pay and he knew what is was to have 40 dollars just for one family but “se si puede” it can be done though which he would create a better union for the farmers called the United Farm Workers of America or UFW . He got his point across by peaceful protests and long marches and…
In order to persuade an audience speakers will use many approaches in order to appeal to whom they are speaking to. In Geronimo's speech, he uses pathos to make the reader feel emotional from his experiences. In his speech he uses ethos to help the audience feel sympathy for what has happened to him and his people. For example, Geronimo says “The soldiers never explained to the government when an Indian was wronged, but reported the misdeeds of the Indians.” showing that they were always viewed as the bad people to the government and no one is informed when the Indians were mistreated.…
Simón Bolívar: A Life by John Lynch chronicles the life of the famous revolutionary Simón Bolívar, often known as “El Libertador”. The book begins by documenting Bolívar’s beginnings growing up in Venezuela. The book gives readers a relatable, intimate view of Bolívar’s early life, talking about his family, friends, and the neighborhood he grew up in. The importance of racial makeup and class status would be crucial in Bolívar’s upbringing, him being part of the wealthy mantuanos. His wealthy, land and slave owning status would be the key to him receiving a high level of education that would help shape his beliefs.…
In 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was a document written by Abraham Lincoln. This document stated, all slaves are free in all areas that were in rebellion against the United States. The 54th Massachusetts Infantry was involved in the Civil War, which led the charge of Fort Wagner that became one of the most famous units during the Civil War because African Americans volunteered. As many African Americans were being a part of the North many of them were joining the Union Army. With the benefits of the Union Army, which were led and decided from sergeant Robert African Americans were provided with supplies necessary and needed in order to be prepared for war.…
Simón Bolívar is one of the most famous marks in history. Marie Arana is the author of the book Bolivar American Liberator which is written about Simon Bolivar a rich man who was born in Venezuela. Though an orphan at a young age he was passed around family members who never cared about him but his wealth. Later, he fell in love and found what he really was meant to do. Arana does a great job telling Bolivar’s story with much research and unbiasedness.…
Zinn is arguing that the American Revolution was not really an honest effort to create a fair and democratic society. Also, he argues, the Revolution was mainly a way of replacing the British with another elite the colonial or American one. The Revolution, then, did not really do much to change the experience of the working class and the poor. The elites were just interested in keeping the rich rich and the poor poor. They had the ability to do this by using democratic rhetoric.…
1. How does Diego Rivera’s mural, Liberation of the Peon express social realism and communicate a national identity to the public Refer to Blackboard Study Guides for image of mural)? Diego Rivera’s Liberation of the Peon painting expresses deterioration of a country and its people. The painting has a soothing, but yet strong colors in it that details the historical events of the time period.…
In the primary source, “Plan for the Erection of Government, c. 1768,” Don Jose de Galvez writes about why he believes the Spanish government should take notice and action upon Alta California. Galvez, mentions in his letter to the Marques de Croix that other foreign nations were taking interest in Alta California and they only way to protect the Spanish from “the dangers that threaten” them. This primary document made me understand more as to why the Spanish finally took action into colonizing Alta California because this letter depicts the foreign nation interest as a type of threat that must be averted. However, Galvez had never been to California, so this doesn’t lead us to believe that Galvez was an expert on this foreign nation situation. On the other hand, Galvez did have another strong reason to begin colonizing California, which was to establish ports in Monterrey and other good harbors.…
Hernando de Soto stated that capital is like energy and that it is a dormant value. However, we know how to create energy like burning wood in stove produces energy in the form of heat to cook food, boil water, or warm a home. The same cannot be said with capital. We have a pretty good idea what it is, but we are not as good at turning capital into economic potential. De Soto also defines capital as the parallel life of an asset.…
Greetings citizens of Fayetteville and North Carolina. It has been almost 4 years since we have been under the rule of northerner, Abraham Lincoln, who has placed us further into being the minority of the government. A couple of days ago, Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address describing that, “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” It does not make much sense that he wants to perfect the Union knowing that the Southern states are not being represented fairly in the government. We, southerners, did not elect Lincoln to be in office.…
In total, there are 22 letters on various topics that are credited to Valera addressed to kings or other important individuals. María de los Ángeles Suz Ruiz states that the many epistolary works Valera wrote as well as those of his contemporaries were fundamental in understanding the political unrest of that period (15). During the fifteenth century, several nobles felt compelled to write King Juan II about to Luna. Diego de Valera was one of those nobles. Forced to pick a side, he chose that of Álvaro’s adversaries (Contreras 58).…
Maya Dandashi Mr. Householder APUSH Period 5 12 May 2015 The Prelude to the Revolution Blood had been shed for the first time. The damage done by their own kind. Soon to become nations of their own. The amplified event, trial, and article of the Boston Massacre have unquestionably been some of the most influential causes of American Revolution due to it being the first bloody contact between the British and the Colonists along with explicitness of the trials and the propaganda based articles.…
Simon Bolívar’s 1819 address to the Congress of Angostura took place in Venezuela during the long course of the struggle for independence. Bolívar had the objective of emerging a plan of governance as he lays out his understanding of the independence movement and his belief on how the future of Latin American nations should be legally structured. His address demonstrates significance of establishing principles of political organization in Latin America. However, readers must also recognize the multiples of important ideas and subject matters of the colonial Latin American society and processes of independence from the upheavals in the Caribbean, Europe, and North America that profoundly affected events and developments in Latin America and inspired Bolívar’s Angostura address.…
The citizens of this country do not get to practice their right to vote and elect a president they believe will be good for their country, so they do not get to expand their cultural horizon and find out what truly will be good for their country. The crisis in Venezuela has happened in several other South American countries such as Colombia and El Salvador as well. Another example of the government interfering in people’s lives and preventing them from learning who they, as people, truly are is North Korea. North Korea is one of the countries that participates in a dictatorship for a government and has strict laws against what the…