They stayed in the cave and as a result a few of his men died. This would have ended a lot worse if Odysseus didn't come in with an escape plan. In this moment Odysseus not only put himself in danger, but also his men. Odysseus is being selfish by only putting his plan into action and not taking into consideration his men's plan. Odysseus lacks consideration for his men ideas and does not think twice about the consequences. Heroes are supposed to put others first and themselves last; however, in this moment he fails to do so. In this manner, another example of Odysseus displaying selfishness is when he and his men land on the Island of Kirkê. The men are hungry and decide they will go find food. Instead of Odysseus going with them, he decides to send them to investigate without him. “So off he went, with twenty-two companions weeping, as mine wept, too, who stayed behind” (X. 220-221). Consequently, the result wasn’t atrocious, but a few of his men turned …show more content…
Not only does Odysseus put his men in danger, but he is being selfish to send them without protection. Heroes always have their men's back, but Odysseus denies to go with them. Finally, the last example of Odysseus selfishness is when Odysseus is having his men killed to save himself. It could be argued it wasn't Odysseus fault, there were many obstacles in the way (Quote?) However, Odysseus had more than one opportunity to head home and to save himself and his men, but he blew most of them off. Odysseus had 86 men to start of his voyage; and throughout the trip he lost half of his men in battles or in an island all because of his decisions. The men don't do anything without Odysseus consent and if the men landed on an island is because Odysseus ordered them to and if they died it's because Odysseus put them in harm's way. To conclude, when observing modern day heroes, it is evident that they do not think about themselves when doing the right thing. Heroes put others first and think about themselves last; and do not consider the dangers they place themselves in. Often heroes place themselves first in dangerous situations, ones that can harm them and we