The connection made between the thesis and evidence used in the writing this book is strong and concluded that the fall of the working-class family is not only tied to a decrease in job availability, but also relies on the increase of cohabitation, sex outside of marriage, soaring divorce rates, as well as children being born to single parents (Cherlin 2014: 121). Cherlin mentions the fact that the American economy will be able to absorb the increase of bachelor earning degree people into the labor force, but one is left with wondering if the answer to the question is this true…how big of a degree earning flood will the labor force be able to take in and how many people will find it hard to acquire a job resulting from the fact that there are too many degree earners all entering in the labor force at the same time, which might have be answered if supporting data would have been included in the book (Cherlin 2014: 187). Cherlin gathered a lot of data which showed a neutral bias toward white and blacks both, but why did this data not include those from other ethnic backgrounds or would including such data or information skew the outcome of the thesis. Was leaving other ethnicities out of the subject matter done on purpose, was it because the author …show more content…
In fact, what is left of this population might soon become extinct due to the continuing breakdown of social norms, including the absence of a strong family structure, the increase of less-educated people into the work force, in addition to the ever growing gap between social classes makes the death of the working-class more plausible and maybe even inevitable, especially when you factor in the lack of resources; supporting policies, services or programs, that might work to stabilize this social class. Sociologist, politicians, government policy makers, institutional entities, as well as anyone working with this cohort would greatly benefit by reading this book. This social group needs more people in their corner, people who can empathize with their current condition, people who are equip to help and support them as well as usher them onto a new path one that will change their current