Critical Analysis Of Jennifer Morgan Some Could Suckle Over Their Shoulder

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Jennifer Morgan's article “Some Could Suckle over Their Shoulder,” argues that dehumanization of African women by European men was the first cause of racism and racialized slavery they went from admiring and respecting African women to overtime slowly deconstructing their humanity by questioning their humanity, there for “demonizing” their existing. Morgan’s ties to convince that this cause the European to link “blackness” with “savageness” and enabled them to justify the enslaving Africans to commodify their benefits, but she does not communicate other factors that could have of convey to European racial ideology. She fails to discuss the exclusion of parts of the narrative, the roles that African men could have played in racialized slavery, the assumption that the connection of event set off a chain reaction and the culture plus religious aspect, as other factors that the Europeans would have to disclose the racial …show more content…
The expectation of the women bodies might have come from the European culture and religion where the had come to expect ain as a connection of their religious belief and culture behavior. as Linda Pollock, “Embarking on a rough passage: The experience of pregnancy in early modern society” said, “the experience of pain in childbirth marked as members of a Christian community”

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