Analysis Of Crimes Against Humanity By Ward Churchill

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Because of the controversy surrounding the history of Ward Churchill, criticizing the man and ignoring the message would seem the easier choice. However, this is necessary for reviewing “Crimes against Humanity”. This is a stark essay in which the thesis he used was the unfair treatment of Native Americans in the United States of America. In the first section of his essay, Churchill discussed the stereotypes and other forms of negative imagery associated with the Native American culture within professional sports. Using examples in both football and baseball, he states even simple names and gestures such as a “Tomahawk Chop” may seem harmless, but in reality is greatly offensive to an overlooked culture because they are not as present or …show more content…
He begins with the logos appeal in the first section, using it sparingly to mention several protests by the Native American community and their leaders over the use of these images and gestures. These are effective tools as signs of support through non-violence have proven effective in a campaign of change to a more positive viewpoint. He uses the pathos appeal more effectively, speaking his mind more freely on how stereotypes can affect everyone and that labels such as these are not just limited to one race, religion, sexual orientation or disability. Several parts of the language used become quite abrasive, but sometimes it takes phrases and words as hostile as these to get the reader’s …show more content…
He also states that these events had a role in creating and supporting these and other Native American stereotypes, going as far as implying that the popular culture was intentionally making them look “more grotesque, menacing and inhuman.” (Churchill 556) There are passages that seem to blend the logos and ethos appeals together as they seem to prove Churchill’s credibility as a professor in his field. The pathos appeal is finally used when he discusses the consequences of such actions on the Native American community itself as he describes the horrible conditions they endure as a part of their daily life. These historical and social details are another way that the reader is shocked into attention and once again he shows no fear in being confrontational to prove his

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