An Essay On The Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era, spanning the early 20th century, consisted notably of an insurgence of reformational ideas. Brought about by journalists and politicians, these reforms were taken to the national level on a balanced scale; spanning topics from safety reform, economic reform, and socio-political reform. Reformers, despite many opposing efforts, were able to successfully reform the United states to an accepted point for the time period, in help from government positions, public opinion, and economic situation.
As an Era, that of the Progressives was one that gained great momentum from the media. Muckraking journalism, a distant descendant of yellow journalism, brought to light the problems that the country was facing in light of past governmental corruption(the gilded age), and made these issues commonly accessible in
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Even though women joined the Progressive movement and supported the ideas, they were doubtful of their own political ability. The work of suffragettes such as Ida Wells Barnett, Alice Paul, and Carrie Chapman Catt, continuing the legacy of Susan B. Anthony and other Reconstruction era feminists, was able to push for women’s suffrage. Wyoming, having women’s suffrage in their state constitution 30 years before national law required it, was an inspirational point for them. They drew on the fact that women make up ~50% of american society, and that times have changed, with women now working in factories, somewhere formerly considered a man’s workplace. They also drew on political contradiction, using Wilson’s sympathy towards germans coming from a country where they did not vote, and applied it towards women, as shown in Document H. Using the President’s own ideas against him, drew the public opinion towards this idea. With protests at polls, and nationwide support from women, as well as some men, made the push for women’s suffrage pass through into law, being passed as the 20th amendment in

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