American Born Workers: Immigrants In The Work Force

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There are 8 million immigrants in the work force, this making American born workers wonder if they are taking jobs away. Due to the large amount of jobs being filled with immigrants, some are fearing being replaced in their job field. Reason for large amount of immigrants in the work force is an increase in the immigrants coming to the United States and searching for jobs. A number of baby boomers have begun retiring in the past years, leaving job opening that are not being filled. These jobs are not being filled because American born workers are not lot competing for low skilled jobs. There needs to be someone to fill these low skilled jobs in order to main an uprise in the economy. Therefore, even though large amount of jobs are occupied …show more content…
American born workers are getting more education in search of higher occupations unlike many uneducated immigrants. This meaning not many American born workers are longer competing for the jobs immigrants are likely to receive. “U.S.-born workers are getting more educated. More jobs require little education, and they are being taken by immigrants” (Enchautegui). Since U.S born workers have gone off to college to get a degree immigrants are left to take the jobs left behind. Due to this the employment growth of immigrants continues to grow. “Of the top 10 occupations with the most projected employment growth, eight do not require a high school diploma, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics” (Enchautegui). Ultimately, Bureau of Labor Statistics research provides information that shows that most high employment jobs are known to be low skilled. There needs to be someone willing to take on low skilled jobs. Immigrants are continuously growing in number causing them to seek more …show more content…
Although earnings for native-American workers have shown to decline it’s not due to immigrant workers. Over the past few years native-American life style have changed causing them to choice a different path. A path including trying to find a better job rather than working a job that require little to no skills. “Thus, all net employment gains since November 2007 have gone to immigrants” (Camarota). Immigrants are benefiting from economic growth as American-born workers are competing for jobs that are known to have large amount of immigrant workers. Immigrant workers have caused a topic of whether or not natives are really taking an impact from more immigrant workers. “Economists debate how much immigration impacts natives, but agree that the data show no labor shortage” (Camarota). There is no research in order to prove that natives are getting negatively affected by

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