Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease usually from something that is about to happen or an event that you have no idea what the outcome will be. Anxiety is the anticipation of an upcoming threat. Stress is a state of mental strain from anything that comes from a demanding situation. Anxiety and stress are the leading causes of American panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, phobic disorders, chest pains and heart disease. Psychoanalytic Criticism tells us how to better understand human behavior and how to treat it. The people who undergo Psychoanalytic treatment are usually having problems with behavioral patterns, Relationships, and mental health. This treatment goes into …show more content…
Divorce and broken homes are no longer “statistics in the paper.” They are real aspects of living for every American. We are afraid of the future because we are haunted by the past. American conviction echo into emptiness because Americans have no courage or intension. Americans are just going with the flow, no one is doing anything to help us get out of this gap that we are in because everyone is to lazy to try and get ou(Lincoln 278). Trying means they would have to put in effort which means that they might be put in a stressful situation. And if that is a possibility then no one wants to try and help each other with their problems. “Our dried voices, when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass…” quoted T.S. Eliot from “We Are The Hollow Men”(Lincoln 281). The anxiety of violence and insecurity are both dangerous which lead to pathological madness that deprive men of reason and reduce them to nothing. When someone's anxiety brings them to violence most times the people they love are the first to feel the impact of the violence either emotionally, physically, or mentally(Lincoln 283). When someone goes to insecure anxiety then they start to lash out at an attempt to save what little integrity they have left but unbenounced to them the more they lash out they more they …show more content…
Americans get stressed from three things being afraid, alone, and professional insecurity. Being afraid of violence and theft are now a permanent thing in our lives as Americans. Everyone and anyone who lives or lives in a big city knows someone who experienced an attack of some sort. Being alone and getting divorces have reached record levels. Their are people who choose to live alone and are okay with that, but most people today live alone because they can not find a suitable partner to live their lives with. Professional Insecurity is becoming a problem for the older age group because of the new technology age new younger people come in and take the jobs of people who have worked for years in that position(Elkind 275). But now that new technology has come in and taken over their job and younger people are needed to run them the older age has gone unemployed leaving them stressed out with less money in their retirement fund than they wanted to end with. People become sick from social stress and being absorbed by needs of their kids, job, and